Ah race day. The day you’ve been waiting for. The day that puts all your hard work and training to the test. You’ve done everything to prepare physically and now it’s time to see it pay off. Except… You still have one very important job left to do: prepare your race day nutrition strategy. Far
Read MoreThe following questions are ones we (as dietitians) often are asked when it comes to tracking intake. We want to emphasize that while tracking can be a very useful tool, it is not the only method for improving nutrition habits and can be more damaging than helpful to some, depending on personal food-related behaviors and
Read MoreWe realize it’s rather easy to throw out a bunch of numbers when it comes to nutrition recommendations, but a heck of a lot harder to translate those into food choices throughout a given day. This task can be especially arduous when following race week carbohydrate-loading protocol, as carbohydrate recommendations are particularly high. Below, we
Read MoreOne of the most important fueling techniques that is often overlooked is the importance of adequate hydration. In addition to the daily body losses from breathing and normal gastrointestinal, kidney, and cooling functions of the body, even more losses occur during exercise in order to dissipate the heat generated as a byproduct of muscular work. Hot/humid environments
Read MoreDietary manipulation is an integral aspect of an athlete’s training protocol, particularly as it relates to performance outcomes. High-carbohydrate diets are best-recognized for performance improvements in both sustained, low-to-moderate and short, high-intensity exercises, which can be attributed to maximizing muscle glycogen content (the storage form of carbohydrate) and thereby its availability for utilization during exercise.
Read MoreWhen it comes to health and athletic performance, both acute and chronic alcohol use can have deleterious effects. The large variance in the effects of alcohol within and across individuals can be attributed to several factors such as genetics, gender, amount of alcohol ingested, body mass and nutrition status (Barnes, 2014) . Acute alcohol consumption
Read MoreOver the past few weeks, we have covered some of the basics of fueling in our discussion of macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as a deep dive into carbohydrates. Our hope is that the Yancy Camp Nutrition audience is well informed on the science behind the delicious food that fuels your workouts. This week’s topic
Read MoreIn our previous blog post, we discussed the increased macronutrient needs of athletes and active individuals and why these are so important – from increased performance outcomes to injury prevention and recovery among many others. The macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat) often take the spotlight when it comes to nutrition; after all, they are required
Read MoreNutrition recommendations for athletes and active individuals differ from their sedentary counterparts. The use of nutrition has become widespread in various disciplines as a means of improving performance, fitness, and overall health (Steinmuller et al., 2014). There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that specific dietary practices may increase peak performance potential of an
Read MoreCarbohydrates are an essential component of the diet, particularly for athletes, as they provide our muscles with the energy needed to function correctly (contract) and perform optimally for strength and endurance. Today, confusion over carbs exists because of conflicting information: current fad diets give carbohydrates a bad rap, and food manufacturers reign with producing and
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